Your dedicated clinician.
Multiple recovery modalities.
One platform.

Goodbye wait times, hello quality care.

  • physical therapy
  • strength training
  • nutrition
  • wellness
  • pre-op care
  • & more

MVP Mode

Our Method

Redefine injury recovery, improve preventative care, and enhance your mobility. Get the same caliber of care as pro athletes, online and in-person.

Here’s how it works.


& subscribe.

Get immediate attention for only $37.50 per person, per month. Partnered clinics receive an extra 20% discount.


& chat.

Connect to your dedicated clinician and create a personalized recovery and treatment plan with your care team.


Set goals
& track.

Monitor your progression with daily protocol, interactive exercises, and immediate, real-time feedback.

Corporate Partnership

Hyperice, Meet Loop.

A pivotal partnership

Faster recovery. Better experience.

We optimize Hyperice products with real-time feedback and guidance. Maximize the benefits of at-home sessions with motion-tracking, form correction, and more.

Immediate attention, for patients who need care now.

Level up

Our tech

Real-Time Progress.

Our health-centered SaaS platform integrates it all. During every practice, your device captures motion, offers audio/visual guidance, and provides immediate feedback. We trace your history, analyze your progress, and optimize your protocol. You’ll see the same dedicated clinician who manages your care plan every time.

Motion tracking

Motion-tracking capabilities help analyze and guide patients' movements in prescribed home exercise protocols.

Immediate feedback

Immediate feedback and form correction helps to guide your experience, upgrading your at-home sessions.


Syncs with the built-in smartphone, laptop, desktop, or tablet camera, with no need for expensive hardware.

Bragging Rights


80 percent of people don't seek care after an injury. Most put recovery on the back burner. These folks didn’t, and we want to share why.

I have never felt as healthy and supported as I do now. My chronic pain is dissipating and I can move again. I have my life back.

Claudia Y.

Loop was the missing piece in recovering from my broken leg. I went to the doctor when it happened but it still wasn’t healing. I love my clinician and I’m so grateful I found her.

Jody K.

The level of attention I received when I signed up for Loop was starkly different, and I have no doubt that my subscription is why I healed so quickly.

Jason V.

Thanks to Loop’s integrative platform, my autoimmune disease is in remission.

Stacey H.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons World Physiotherapy American Physical Therapy Association The American College of Sports Medicine

Level up with Loop

Contact our team.

Curious about our personalized care? Need to connect with a clinician right away? Whether you’re interested in trying our tech, or you’re just looking for more info, the team is here. Fill out the form, and we'll be in touch.